Everyone seems to want to go somewhere. All the time. People are in a constant state of motion. I’m sitting on a bench under a tree in a courtyard overlooking a marina. There are some fine yachts just a few yards from me. They are all maintained and ready to go. Of the one hundred or so I can see there are only a few that are occupied. The rest sit patiently and wait, moving ever so slightly as the ocean calls to them.
People want to go, taking with them a few necessities, or an entire household of things, and they want to do it in anything they can afford. If it is not a yacht, then an RV, or a car pulling a trailer, or a bicycle, or a good pair of shoes and a backpack. But they want to go and feel the freedom that traveling to or just traveling for the sake of it gives them. I think it is a way for us to feed our souls. We need to see things beyond the daily routine. We see a map of the world and we realize that, at least for me this is true, that we cover a minuscule part of it. (My world, six days a week, is never any more than thirty miles in circumference.) We begin to wonder how interesting we are. (At least I do.) We begin to desire to connect with people thousand of miles away. To find out what they think, how they feel, and what their dreams are.
To be able to sit down with someone from across an ocean in some out of the way, obscure place that the cruise ships and tour guides don’t offer day trips to sounds like a thrill. These kind of experiences make us more interesting. They give our souls depth. We can apply what we learn to our little worlds of thirty mile radiuses and make them better places.
The places people want to really go are not on any agenda available to a travel agent. Go and connect.
Groovy Guru