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Groovy Thoughts in 2024


January 1.  I have simplified my life and have more time than I have had in decades. Now I have time to simplify a few more things.  

January 2.  I was spinning on a bike in a 130 degree sauna last night listening to Stoic philosophy.  The narrator was like, "embrace your discomfort," and I was like, "sure, I can find some of that right now easily enough to embrace."  

January 3.  It is good to take time for yourself.  

January 6.  Patience always pays off.  

January 9.  I just do this for myself.  

January 11.  I'm sad.  People spend so much time messing up the world, when in that same amount of time they could be contributing to a paradise.  

January 14. All I have is my moral compass.  I can only control my mind, only my responses to what I am confronted with.  Peace is only obtainable from within.  

January 20.  Enough people have done enough wrong for me to know what not to do.  

January 23.  People do stuff I don't understand but that gives me a chance to learn.  

January 24.  Time keeps going, but it doesn't matter.  What matters is how you apply yourself.  

January 25.  I cause myself to suffer more in my imagination than I will ever suffer in reality.  

January 28.  I put myself as close to seagulls as I could yesterday.  I saw them as they caught the food in mid-air that I threw them.  It was beautiful to watch them focus.  I was close enough to look right into their eyes.  

January 30.  I would hope that something I do or say in life makes a lasting difference for society.  

January 31.  Being patient is easy.  Being consitently patient is work. 


February 1.  I walked to the beach at 6am in the pouring rain and just listened.  

February 2.  Put every ounce of energy and thought into the moment.  

February 3.  Remember, anxious people want something outside of their control.  

February 4.  If there is someone in your life that you make bad decsions to please, stop it.  

February 6.  Today I will put all my effort into each moment, and I will create as many productive moments as time allows. 

February 7.  Today I will spend time on formulating the direction I wish to take for the rest of my life.  

February 11.  Do something just for yourself every day.  

February 14.  New adventures in old age keeps the mind young.  

February 18.  The mind can be a place of peace or one of turmoil.  

February 22.  There are a lot of words one could use that are better off left out.  

February 25.  Brief moments in life can be the most magical.  

February 26.  Ignore the wrongdoers.  

February 28.  Attitude is all the difference between beauty and a nightmare. 

MARCH 2024

March 3.  Wish others the best of success.  Never ill.  

March 4.  My observation over the past 50 years has been that negative people are right one out of ten times.  

March 5. What is the price for storing something we don't need in our garages, our closets,  or in our minds?  Is it worth it?  

March 6.  What is the cost of storing worry in our minds?  Is it more than the negative outcome of what we worry about?  Why not just take the hit and be done with it?

March 7.  Can you be happy with nothing?  For if you can, then you can be happy with anything. 

March 11.  I refuse to judge without the entire case in front of me.  

March 12.  Most of the time if you treat people with respect they will do the same for you.  Most of the time.  

March 21.  I get very lonely sometimes, but I can fix that by getting out of the house and just being me.  

March 23.  I find that I enjoy the simplest things.

March 29.  I either have to find more things to do or decide to be happy there is not much to do. 

March 31.  This is a good day not to buy into the fight.  

APRIL 2024

April 4.  I'm here to thrive, not to "hang in there."  

April 14.  Paradise is just one attitude adjustment away.  

April 15.  Objects are not important.  

April 16.  Experiencing trauma?.  Ignore and override.  

April 18.  I'm better off being quiet.  

April 22.  I can't do this life thing alone.  

April 25. It's less stressful to simply be nice to people all the time.  

April 27.  Not only is it less stressful to be nice to people all the time, but there are less problems down the road.  

April 28.  Nice people can cause big problems.  

April 30.  Believe in yourself, then subscribe to a process.   

MAY 2024

May 2.  Hate is impossible to bury.  

May 10.  I'll never join a church again, I refuse to subject myself to more rules than I already have to live by.  

May 11.  Time does not heal wounds, nothing does. The only way deal with them is to decide to.  Change your perspective of what happened, change your memory of the trauma, be grateful for where you are right now and make that place you are in good.   

 May 18.  When you don't do tings right, what you didn't do will catch up to you.

JUNE 2024

June 2.  The current hate between people with different political ideals is not sustainable.  Freedom will disappear.  

June 12.  It does not seem that the hate is diminishing..  

June 17. Embracing fortune only leaves us with dust in our hands.  

JULY 2024

July 2.  I'm not sure how to get my hopes up.  

July 16.  Hope is kind of like a fast car, you run out of gas and it coasts to a stop, then you walk to a station and bum money from someone because you forgot your wallet in the car two miles back and borrow a can.  After some struggle you are all filled up with new hope and ready to roll.  

July 17. Be careful to push the "greedy capitalists" too far, they may just defund you.  


August 3.  I started refreshing the Be Like Water app my hypnotherapist downloaded into my soul a few years ago this morning.  It's updated and fresh as ever.  I think I understand what Bruce Lee was getting at, when he said, "if you pour water into a cup it becomes the cup.," he didn't mean it literally becomes the cup, but that it is one with the cup.  If we are fluid and adjust to our circumstances we can become one with our situation and not be at odds with the situation.  We become organically attached to it and move with it.  We "are" it and are no longer in a confrontational, adverse relationship with it, whether that "it" is an inanimate object or a living being.  


September 5. The possibility of becoming drained of all energy to the point of being unfunctional is real.  I'm switching on my reset buttons more often than ever.  I am headed for operating in a state of constant connected disconnection, meaning I am one with the "thing" or situation but not emotionally drained by it.  .  

September 6.  I can visualize the issue my clients are faced with and be one with them as they move their way through it as I stay close and find the easiest path.    

September 8.  Right now, we are each in this very moment.  Time is what connects us all. 

September 25.  I installed a varnished wood double door to the office in my mind and closed it early this morning so I could get some sleep.  


October 3.  I am focusing on what I can do, which leaves very little time in the day for negative stuff.  


October 16.  I see the paths of others and as they intersect with mine for only a moment. I have learned to not look back.   

October 17.  The troubles that I create for myself are mostly attributed to impatience.  

October 19.  I can choose to have anxiety or not, I can choose any feeling I wish.  External forces will always be.  


October 20.  The most important credit I can get is the credit I give myself.   

October 28.  I used to think people can change.  At their core I don't think so.  


November 21.  No one wants to hear your complaint.  Everyone has one.  Do you think your's is heavier, or more important?  That would be a matter of opinion, and you may not like the decision.  No one will.  Just leave it alone and focus on the positive.  Be a light to everyone, everyday, all your life. The things you complained about will fade from your memory after you realize they are not as bad as you imagine.  

November 22.  Just find your path and live it.  You will change it occasionally..  There is always new information to base your decisions on..  Some of it makes sense. Decide for yourself, after considering all the input.  Don't let people decide for you. 

November 27.  I gave up wishing for people or circumstances to change so long ago that I cannot remember.  Wishing is useless.  Working and accepting the consequences are all that I have the energy to do.  .  

November 28.  What excesses do we need in life?  By definition they are excesses.  I define them as wants, not needs, and have the right to acquire my wants within the confines of reason and honesty.  

November 29. Your gut feeling is probably the best answer you are going to get on any matter.  

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