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1 min read
Live and Let Live.
Trust the process of life. Let others progress as they will.
1 min read
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Everyone has a time and a place and a purpose. Connect the dots in your life and find yours.
1 min read
Don't be Afraid to Get Involved
I'm not one to let bad people do bad things and not let them get away with it. I'll throw everything at them, including the kitchen sink....
1 min read
Break Away and Find Your Freedom
SloMo. The guy who just does what he wants to do.
1 min read
Find Your Personal Power. It's Time.
This decade has challenges. It is up to all of us to meet them. It's time to be responsible.
1 min read
Rather than projecting the outcome, I have conditioned myself to focus on the matter in front of me. I'm not sure which way the matter...
1 min read
A Nation Gives Birth
The world ganged up on Germany after WWI and its people suffered economically. The hate of that people began to fester. Ultimately they...
1 min read
Hiding Behind the Calm
I once had a meditation guide. She was amazing. So calm. She taught a group of us every week in a peaceful setting. I came to...
2 min read
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Understand the negativity in the world and recognize the tactics. Vigilance is our only course of action. Like my meditation teacher...
2 min read
The Future is Close to Us
I think the best way to project the future is to take a good look at the generations that follow ours. We can forecast what our future...
2 min read
It's Always Someone's Turn to Rule the World
Each generation gets the opportunity to rule the world. Because it's always someone's turn to rule the world. If the generation begins...
1 min read
Moments of Freedom
I think the mind needs to have moments of freedom – freedom from the stresses of life. It needs enough time to realize a thought, develop...
1 min read
Actions Produce Thoughts
I have heard it said that thoughts produce actions. But I have found that actions produce thoughts, and thoughts produce niftier ways to...
2 min read
A Collective Yearning to Have Less
This past weekend my family and I held a garage sale to get rid of some stuff we would rather not take the time to move, which we will be...
2 min read
Understand Yourself
Let’s say you are in a multi-decades long relationship and you feel your spouse still does not understand you. Well, maybe your spouse...
1 min read
Mother Earth
I’m sitting in a coffee shop having a brew made from beans grown in Mother Earth, looking out a window at mostly earth tone painted...
1 min read
Reprogramming the Past
I would like to go back in time and tell myself things I wish I had known. It’s not possible, but it would be nice, We each have the...
1 min read
Dreams Shape the Future
Is the concept of future limited to those of developed nations? I heard a disturbing interview on a radio station the other day. The...
1 min read
Read Minds
After fifty-one years on this planet I have yet to be able to fully read minds. Well, not all the way, as in every word someone is...
2 min read
Ideas Occupy Existence
The beautiful thing about being human is being able to turn an intangible idea into something that can occupy space and time for the...
2 min read
Brawl at the Post Office
I went to the post office today with a giant box of car parts that I sold on Ebay. As I kicked it forward along the linoleum floor I...
2 min read
Destruction of the Middle Class
There is ongoing chatter about the concept of the “destruction of the middle class,” usually followed up by disturbing stories of...
2 min read
Old Violin with a Past
I bought my wife an old violin, a really old violin. It was handmade in 1779 by a Richard Duke. At one time it was owned by a member of...
1 min read
Not Becoming One
There are people we come across in our lives whom we are better off not “becoming one” with. I can think of quite a few people I not only...
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