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1 min read
Live and Let Live.
Trust the process of life. Let others progress as they will.
1 min read
Don't be Afraid to Get Involved
I'm not one to let bad people do bad things and not let them get away with it. I'll throw everything at them, including the kitchen sink....
1 min read
Break Away and Find Your Freedom
SloMo. The guy who just does what he wants to do.
1 min read
Hiding Behind the Calm
I once had a meditation guide. She was amazing. So calm. She taught a group of us every week in a peaceful setting. I came to...
2 min read
Destruction of the Middle Class
There is ongoing chatter about the concept of the “destruction of the middle class,” usually followed up by disturbing stories of...
1 min read
Passing Knowledge
Youth have to interpret life with very little information to base their theories on. The knowledge they have most of is that which has...
1 min read
Moving Life
My wife and two boys and I attended a wedding this past weekend. Weddings, births, and funerals are the hyper reminders of how life moves...
2 min read
So Sleek
I bought something so sleek today, so minimalist in design, so hip, so modern looking, that I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. It...
1 min read
Get back into the Hunt
I had the good fortune tonight of listening in, and ultimately participating in, a conversation about consumption, the need for more, and...
1 min read
Music Vibrates the Soul
Connecting. It’s what people want to do. Connecting with each other, with nature, with their inner feelings. Some want to be connected...
1 min read
Let Go
Letting go of negative experiences allows us to move forward. The quicker we can train ourselves to do this, the faster, and further, we...
1 min read
It's the Journey
When people dream, they don’t dream of being poor and insignificant. They don’t dream of complacency, of living out their lives in one...
1 min read
No One Wants to be Old
I have never met anyone who wanted to be old. Sure, kids want to grow up sooner than time will allow them to, but even when they reach...
2 min read
Go and Connect
Everyone seems to want to go somewhere. All the time. People are in a constant state of motion. I’m sitting on a bench under a tree in a...
1 min read
Groovy Guru's Shark Dream
Last night I dreamt that I was underwater, swimming with a bunch of short sharks. They had big heads, big teeth, and big fins, but if...
1 min read
Diversity of Ideas
I think what makes America so great is the diversity of ideas that exists within its boarders and the freedom to carry out those ideas by...
1 min read
Groovy Guru's Weird Dream
I had a really weird dream this morning. It lasted a brief moment. I opened my eyes from a long sleep just in time to see a perforation...
1 min read
Freedom to Live
We often pass up on investing as an aspect of “future think.” But it is an important component, for if it is done right, we age with the...
1 min read
Transfer the Fear
A good friend of mine had to rush off to the hospital yesterday to be with her grand daughter, who is just a year old. The little girl...
1 min read
Take the Mask Off
“But you’re an artist, so you have to invent yourself,” his friend said to him as they were driven east on Sunset Boulevard. “I know I...
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