January 2022
January 12. I started out the new year with a post on groovyguru, then found a hacked page the very next day. Well, actually two days later. The site that I had worked on for 11 years was ruined. My hosting service has been emptying malware for a week with little results. I am building it back. I could have been upset, defeated, ready to rip my shirt and run down my street screaming. But I just looked at it and thought, "well, it needed an overhaul, anyway." There is always something to be grateful for. In this case it is a better website in a few short weeks.
January 13. If people are not with you then don't be with them. Use your energy to enhance people that use some of theirs for you.
Don't ever be afraid to back up and eat crow if you make a mistake. Own it and move forward.
January 14. Don't be afraid to call people to the mat, like, right away, without a moment's hesitation. If they are being assholes why prolong the diagnosis?
January 15. It does not matter when you start. Just start.
There's no winning in a relationship. It's not about winning, it's about showing one's character.
January 17. Yesterday was nice because I made it a point to make it nice. That can be every day.
January 19. I really believe in karma.
January 20. Find a source of positive energy to tap into and keep it close.
January 22. Star trek Next Gen Season 4 Episode 21 "The Drumbeat"
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured. The first thought forbidden. The first freedom denied. Chains us all irrevocably."
January 23. Soak in the sun whenever you can and cherish its warmth on your skin.
January 24. This is me reacting, the situation is just a blank canvas. It has no meaning until I personalize it. Where do you want the story to go? (this is where I find myself right now, that's all it is). Accept where you are without judgment, relax and gain an open perspective. This is how you win the mind game. Centered and at peace you are positioned to create any response you desire. You are not wasting time. You experience being here. Nothing more, nothing less. - Deepak Chopra.
January 25. “I can’t understand people who will not take the risk of losing.” Richard Nixon
January 26. Never threaten. People are capable of anything.
January 27. Dont be afraid of yourself for losing it now and then. We are all human.
January 28. I've tried life coaching and meditation, but what works best for my brain is Hypnotherapy, and secondly, Shamanic Drum meditation focused on my spirit animal, the dolphin. In that realm I just watch the dolphin charge forward. She's persistent playful, forceful, and limber. I focus on a subject in hypnotherapy and I feel like an app has been downloaded into my brain. Its all very cool.
January 30. People have to save themselves, sure, but still put your hand out for them.
January 31. Are the Karen's wearing armbands yet?
February 1. I can't give everyone what they want when I only have one to give.
February 2. Not my quote, but needs to be considered.... "As long as people bicker about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, people will never stop to ask if angels on pinheads exist in the first place.”
February 3. Hate of another is not a solution for sustainable change.
I don’t believe in giving up. I believe that resources are unlimited. I believe there is more than plenty for every human on earth. I believe in ingenuity. I believe all the ideas, knowledge, innovation and hope that humankind has ever conceived is surrounding each of us, attached to atoms, standing quietly between strands of light. It’s all there, and all we need is to be out of the fog and aware. Then we will see, feel, and hear it all. I believe a beautiful life is there for all of us to have simply by earning it.
February 4. I long for the days when people flashed peace signs and wished for love.
February 5. The tombstone on the grave of the human race. "Hate Killed Them All."
February 6. Change can happen in a moment. Love is free. Call on it right now.
February 7. Resist hate. Give love.
February 8. Love yourself first. Then you will always be in a healthy position to lend a hand to others. And never let anyone take advantage of you. Protect yourself and you have loved yourself.
February 10. I don't believe in forgiving people who have done horrible things. They should move on to the next life with a soul wrenching desire to have done better, so that maybe they will.
February 11. It's best just to say what is on your mind rather that make people wait at the edge of the dance floor.
February 12. I have to respect people for believing in something they think will be the glue that binds them to humanity. And for that reason I cannot criticize what it is they believe in.
February 13. I recently extended trust to. two people I do business with. It was not returned. I no longer do business with them. .
February 14. Love is real when showed with action.
February 15. Conflict takes two parties. Don't be one of them.
February 16. It's what happens in the moment that changes the future.
February 17. Sometimes it is best just not to say anything at all.
February 18. Let people decide and then let it go.
February 19. Anger weakens those it consumes.
February 21. Don't ignore your cardio.
February 22. I don't believe people need to escape from trouble. I believe we all need entertainment, but not as a source of escape.
February 23. The academics and politicians will drown us into another war. And it won't be the last.
February 24. People who sit in their comfortable arm chairs from thousands of miles away with a glass of scotch and cry that they 'Stand with Ukraine" are not even standing.
February 25. People stabilize when certainly prevails.
February 26. I see so many people stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.
February 28. Manifest war and war will come.
MARCH 2022
March 1. When the media gangs up on one nation and pushes them into the corner that nation will give birth to a tyrant.
March 2. Society functions best in certainty.
March 4. We have not learned from history and will only build back worse.
March 5. I'm not sure that ruining an entire country's monetary system is the best way to disagree with their leader. Why bring more people into the fight?
March 6. I'm all in on the great re-set of the mind. But then it is a natural occurrence, something never forced from the third person,.
March 7. People want to feel relevant. Let them feel it.
March 8. I don't understand people who manipulate. Whatever is in it for them is never of any lasting value.
March 9. Anticipation is simply sensitivity in action.
March 10. The once excluded take their revenge and the tables turn but nothing ever gets fixed.
March 11. Be the same person the people who love you have always known.
March 14. Just keep moving forward.
March 15. I'm just hanging on to the moments and enjoying them the best I can.
March 17. We bring our children into the world and give them a part of ourselves that will always be with them wherever they go. And we fill that void with the memory of each moment we were blessed to be with them.
March 18. It's a wonderful world. Just take it in.
March 21. Immerse yourself into a goodness that will consume you.
March 24. If you constantly search for OPPORTUNITIES, ABUNDANCE, LOVE, and THINGS TO BE GRATEFUL FOR, it will make it much easier to find a reflection of those things around you. It takes practice, but over time, this is a powerful way to reshape your reality.
March 25. Ignoring good deeds in favor for those from one's own position is simply evil.
March 26. Seems like the folks who scream and accuse and point their fingers are the ones with the their fingers curled towards them.
March 28. When the circumstances change. change game.
March 29. We can fill our hearts with love or with hate, it's our choice.
March 30. I fail to see the satisfaction of winning through manipulation unless evil is the motivation. The act is meaningless.
March 31. When you don't have a door to go through get out your axe and break down the wall and crash through anyway.
APRIL 2022
April 1. Seems like every time I "wait to see" it works out.
April 3. Paint your world how you want it.
April 4. Keep the people who care about you close.
April 5. I wish people were focusing on peace right now. It's a good wish.
April 6. Expect the uncertainty of war. There is less money in peace.
April 7. There is an ugly mist of hate rolling across the earth.
April 8. I let my fears overcome me. They felt like a heavy weight on my chest for day after day, week after week. I tried eating differently, taking herbs, exercising. All that is good. But my fears were still there. I had to do something with them. I sat in the sand on the beach yesterday and slipped into my meditative world, A craftsman from the village that I imagined and constructed to feed me tools I can apply in my mind suggested a shed to put my fears in. We took a helicopter to a jungle and there he had a stainless steel polished shed for me. He had me put my fears in boxes and label them, then one of his welders sealed the door and polished the welds down to hide the opening. "You won't be able to find your fears now," he smiled. I'm feeling better now.
April 9. There is always something to be grateful for.
April 10. The OODA Loop is a mental process. The mind goes through a constant loop: Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. Each action produces a new situation that the OODA Loop can be applied to again. The process can be used in any type of situation, physical or psychological.
April 11. If everyone just focused on having good vibrations I think the world would change for the better.
April 12. ...and if everyone just focused on doing something good each day I think the world would be a better place, too.
April 13. When all hope is gone that is the time to hope for a time when you can have some.
April 14. Help your family. Be there for them.
April 16. Life is what I experienced in the past moment.
April 17. Keep the karma flowing.
April 18. The past is what you learn from. The present is what you make of it.
April 19. We are headed toward a future where stuff means little and moments mean everything.
April 20. I have been harping on "moments" the past few days. They mean everything to me.
April 21. Give people a moment. It will be appreciated.
April 22. I don't have much future left, so I cherish the next few moments.
April 23. Find a reason to live until you find another reason to live.
April 25. We hold on to living because it is what we know.
April 26. Humanity will self destruct because it chooses to.
April 27. Living beings like positive energy.
April 28. I think we will all be coerced into not owning anything and being happy by miserable people who will own everything.
April 29. The "Happy Guru" business is going to be big.
April 30. I think people need to bond with each other face to face now more than ever. It's time to get away from the screen.
MAY 2022
May 1. Time and space is flexible.
May 2. Everyone has to live somewhere and get from point A to B sometime.
May 3. People like to feel something.
May 4. I have a lot of regrets about how I raised my two sons. I rarely missed and opportunity to give them confidence, though, and for that I am grateful. They both turned out amazing. It just goes to show me that people can become what they want regardless of their environment.
May 5. I spent the month of April having one panic attack after another. It was nearly unbearable. I tried everything to settle down. Magnesium pills along with doses of a special herbal formula of anxiety drops finally got me stable. There was nothing anyone could do or say that would help. I was in my own little world, a very frightening one, and I had to climb out myself.
May 5. I go to bed each night with a broken heart.
May 6. At some magical moment in the early morning while I sleep my heart fills with hope. It's what I wake with, and it's how get through my day. I just wish it would not leave me.
May 6. I gave my energy today to fix someone, and now I have to get enough of it back to stay me.
May 7. Today I laid on the beach and let the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun cleanse my soul.
May 8. Patience brings peace.
May 9. I think people are about to find out what really matters in life.
May 10. I spent some time meditating on the beach after work yesterday. My uncle Tom. He and his fiance' were lounging on the beach in my heart, where I made a pace for them. Or where they made a place for themselves. Anyway, I keep it nice and warm and beautiful for them. I don't remember his finace's name. I have to dig through family pictures or ask some old family member if they remember... She said to me, "Chris, it doesn't matter here what you had or didn't have in life, there is no envy here." A few other people who have passed came to me while I rode along the strand to home a little later. "It doesn't matter here. We have all we need." I heard that all along the path. They whispered it through the crashing waves as I rode by.
May 11. I just wish for people to be happy with what they have in the moment so they can be happy with what they have in the future.
May 12. Let go of control. Let others govern themselves. Let them learn from their mistakes.
May 13. Uncertainty of a future propels us to the present.
May 14. I stand at point A and turn in a circle looking for hope. That's point B. The circle is pretty fucked up right now, Time to draw a new circle.
May 15. Humanity is infected with envy, and that, more than greed, drives the race to accumulate more of a thing or things. It's an easy race to stay out of when you understand the abundance this beautiful earth has to offer. Everything everyone needs is here, right now, and will be in the moments following..
May 16. I'm going to do my best to be positive today. It's better than the alternative.
May 17. A positive attitude opens the doors to positive opportunities.
May 18. God doesn't make things happen. They just happen because billions of organisms constantly collide, each with it's own perception. None of it means anything until one reacts. Think before you react. Make it mean something good.
May 19. I wish more people could grasp the concept that every moment is a chance to start over.
May 20. What we carry in our hearts either gives us life or kills us slowly.
May 21. Feed your subconscious truth.
May 22. Two years ago I began manifesting what I wanted in my life, in detail. It's a complex vision requiring patience to see to fruition. The first step has become reality for me.
May 23. I'm not so sure there is any way to prepare for what we are all facing except for to prepare our minds to focus on the moments that will come.
May 24. True wealth is not what you have, but what you experience.
May 25. Give, but qualify the recipient.
May 26. Energy vampires suck. Give them something dry.
May 27. I suppose having no thoughts can be a moment of cleansing.
May 28. Some things are just black and white.
May 29. Wake up with a good vibration in your heart.
May 30. Focus on the 99% that is good.
May 31. Manifest what you want from your subconscious. It's real there, and it will happen. I did it and it worked.
JUNE 2022
June 1. Today I am going to focus on what comes in the moment and deal with it.
June 2. Keep your mental clarity when the bombs are falling all around you.
June 3. A wave of hate continues to roll across the earth. See it and steer clear.
June 4. Shield your karma. When you wake up in the morning listen to the birds sing. Then carry those songs in your heart all day.
June 5. “Get busy with life’s purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescue—if you care for yourself at all—and do it while you can.” Marcus Aurelius
June 6. Don't feed the monsters. Let them scavenge for their food.
June 8. This is said over and over again all over. Trust the process.
June 9. "Half way, and then a little bit," Because then you have to go the rest of the way.
June 10. “The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn't the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility.”― John Lennon
June 13. Sometimes you just have to call bullshit and meet your trouble head on.
June 14. I don't like people who know the truth and ignore it.
June 16. Wealth is peace in the heart and mind.
June 17. I had a dream last night that I was on a crowded pier. A storm came up suddenly after an earthquake. The pier was falling apart. There were lifeboats in the water below and I was yelling at people to go to the boats, but no one would,. They hung on to the falling pier instead. Sometimes we have to let go of what we know. .
June 19. I have very little to say. I just want to move along not judging and having no expectations.
June 20. I hope people choose to live in reality, no matter how hard it gets.
June 21. Don't listen to anyone. Decide what is best for you and stick with it.
June 23. There is always meaning to life. Sometimes you just have to go looking for it.
June 24. I want to be me while I'm alive. I'll settle for being a memory after I'm gone.
June 25. Feed hope.
June 28. I'm not so sure living a long life is the same as living a full life.
June 30. It costs too much to impress people who I will never meet. I think I'll just keep that money in my pocket.
JULY 2022
July 1. I do not understand people who do not manifest peace.
July 2. I no longer subject myself to even the least moment of bullshit.
July 3. People who lie need to be called to the mat.
July 4. I honored the freedom that was fought for me to enjoy on this d.ay. And I remembered those who gifted it to me.
July 5. Spread words of confidence everywhere you go.
July 6. I'm at a crossroads again. There are lots of them in life. And after 60 years I have had my share. Today it was live or die. Where do I want my story to go? I fought the demons that were in the dark corners of my subconscious. They have always been there, but today I called them out.. We fought with swords. I killed them. I feel stronger, more resolved. It's time to live.
July 7. I cannot control external circumstances. I can only choose how I react to them. The challenge is to remember I have a choice.
July 8. I have been getting a lot of fresh air and sunshine lately. I think it is doing me some good.
July 11. I have been concentrating on the motion I see and feel while riding along the beach. It is hallucinogenic and euphoric..
July 14. The less I want and covet the more peace I find in my soul.
July 21.
I've developed a way to fix real things in my life in a non-tangible world made up inside my subconscious mind. I go there occasionally with a desire to fix something and a reality develops around me. It sounds weird but it believe me, it works.
As an example, a few years ago I was having guilt and confidence problems. I had built this subconscious world already, a few months prior. I went there with my guilt and confidence issues and waited.
(I was sitting in a meditative state, only not totally cross-legged like those guru people do, because I'm just not that limber).
I found myself on a large ocean going racing yacht. I was standing on the deck a few feet behind the mast surrounded by sail bags. The bags on a big racing yacht are really big and heavy. The boat was surfing downwind at a very high rate of speed.
That would make sense, since this was my mind and I was only going to put myself in a favorite place; one of those places happening to be going downwind on a large yacht at a really fast clip.
And to add to it, it was cold, and the sun had just gone down, and it was raining.
But these sail bags were not labeled for the type of sail they were. The were labeled "Guilt" and "No Confidence" and "Worthless." I heard one of the crew members yelling at me, "Get those bags off the boat, they are slowing us down!" He was standing in the cockpit with some other crew grinding the winches. They all motioned to me to pick up the bags. So I began throwing them overboard, and as I did, I felt better about myself, and the boat began going faster, and the water started rushing over the deck and past me. I felt better each time I dumped another bag over. Soon they were all gone, and I felt great. And I still do, years later. This wasn't some temporary repair. I had gone into my mind unloaded a real world problem for good.
July 27. Let go what you have and the universe will fill the void with more.
July 28. Let go of the anger and you will thrive.
August 2. I wish I had loved myself as much as the people in my life who loved me.
August 4. You vibrate what you think.
August 5. You cannot change what has happened to you in the past. Instead, you can change the mind's perception and the weight of the heavy feelings that the past memory holds. This is when you are completely allowing the subconscious mind to cope with things it never got to cope with in the past. - Danna Pycher
August 13. Musicians will sit around and bitch about money. Business people will sit around and reminisce about music.
August 17. Find yourself and stay there.
August 18. Kindness is best but demand fairness.
August 20. I find whatever I am working on is a lot easier to do and happens a lot faster when I just let it happen.
August 22. What is more gratifying? Temporary security or temporary risk?
August 24. The beauty in the world is hidden behind the walls of hate erected by social engineers.
August 30. When bad things happen there is always an open door somewhere. Find it fast. That's all that matters.
September 2. I had a drink with a neighbor last night. He told me about his Chinese wife and his Thai relative and their extended families. Everyone ended up in Redondo Beach, somehow. I just looked at him over my bourbon and coke and said, "Well, that's what America is all about!"
September 4. I was at a live concert on the beach yesterday. laying in the sand. A cool ocean breeze swept across my face. I was content. It was nice.
September 5. I seek simplicity.
September 6. I think the odds are better running into danger than away from it.
September 7. Last night I dreamt that the world was going crazy, as it is, but my life was okay because that is what I focused on, just my life. I made my surroundings nice and I lived within my means.
September 8. When people get away with shit they just keep doing more shit because they can get away with it. It becomes a game.
September 9. Human nature is both beautiful and ugly. I'll default to beauty.
September 14. I'll focus on what is most important at the moment.
September 15. Fluff it up. People like it, and the few smiles you win are trophies to cherish.
September 17. It's time to say NO to the social engineers.
September 19. What do the people who get rich slinging shit for the end fo times do with all that money they made when the times end?
September 22. It is apparent to me more than ever that all problems of the world today could be fixed over night with a change of attitude.
September 24. There is more than enough for everyone.
September 25. I am patiently planning my reality for tomorrow.
September 26. Is it sensible to try and make sense of something that is not sensible?
September 27. I hear people say of someone who had something bad happen to them, "They didn't deserve that." Well who does? Do those who say that decide who? What 's that all about?
September 28. Pause until the anger goes away, then observe, orient, decide and act.
September 29. Today's news only reflects today's manufactured reality.
September 30. There are options to consider in battle. One is to just simply not be there when it happens.
October 2022
October 2. I try to say as much as possible in the fewest possible words.
October 3. Today I think I'll just deal with today.
October 5. Think good thoughts and send out good vibes. People need them.
October 6. The most difficult thing to do is to wait.
October 7. Our saving grace will be in how often we can create our own reality.
October 8. Another's euphoric reality could be our misery.
October 10. The Metaverse is our subconscious realized.
October 11. What you feel is your magnet.
October 13. It's often best to not say what is on your mind.
October 14. Your most important and life changing conversations are the ones that go on inside your head.
October 15. I am grateful for this keyboard so I can type this.
October 19. You will win this game in your mind.
October 20. Having fear doesn't do you any good. Put it in a bag and toss it out, then take your next step.
October 25. There is no room in your mind for negativity. There is a positive outcome available. Just look for it. That should keep your good vibes flowing.
October 29. People lie. Always verify.
October 30. I am grateful for the day ahead of me.
October 31. I hope people can find peace within.
November 2. I wish people were not so divided, but it is only a futile wish.
November 4. Your past, whatever it was, good or bad, only exists in your mind.
November 6. Trust life. Enjoy each moment.
November 8. Being positive never hurt anyone.
November 11. A few years ago I began manifesting where I wanted to be. And now I'm here, and it is just like what I saw in my mind all those times I closed my eyes.
November 12. Determine what is significant and what is not.
November 13. I had a vivid, very specific manifesting session yesterday on the beach. I saw everything in detail and felt it, as if I were there. I believe, because I have seen it work, that what we first imagine in our minds can be realized in our reality.
November 14. I sat in a zen garden at the Huntington Library yesterday and let the silence between the sounds cleanse my mind.
November 15. Perspective is what we see. Truth is what we should be looking for.
November 16. When I am talking with someone that is the most important thing I can do right then, and they are what matters most at that moment. And when I remember to do that the moment is always magical.
November 17. Be grateful for closed doors. They force you to open new ones.
November 18. I have been focusing on the moment when I am conversing with people and the experiences have been amazing.
November 19. Always be ready to move your puzzle pieces around so they make something cool.
November 20. It's not how hard you can hit but about how hard a hit you can take and keep going.
November 21. Enjoy being you.
November 22. Focus on simplicity.
November 23. When faced with a complex problem break it up into easy to accomplish parts.
November 24. It's not that I don't care, I just care enough to leave people alone so they may live with their decisions.
November 25. I wish livelihoods and community cohesion would last for generations, but they don't. Always look ahead to what you can create for yourself.
November 26. Fear and uncertainty are, at least, not boring.
November 27. “There are no random acts…We are all connected…You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind…”
Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
November 28. The vibe in the world is one of tension. I feel a win for the good side coming.
November 30. It's best just to let people take their time and express themselves. It is time well spent.
December 2. There is always something to be grateful for.
December 3. "If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of." Bruce Lee
December 4. Don't ever feel like you have to explain yourself to anyone.
December 6. Take risks. You can regret them later, maybe, but at least you don't have to regret not taking them later, definitely.
December 7. There is no lasting future in "conquering." The best way to share this planet with others is to win their hearts by fairness and respect..
December 8. Cherish your moments, as you age you will come to realize how sacred they are.
December 10. Be grateful to people who care about you.
December 11. Send Karma a good vibe. Celebrate the success of others.
December 14. I don't understand why people have to hurt and sabotage each other. But then if I did I would be as sick as they are. So I am glad I don't.
December 15. If you are doing a job for someone get them what they want.
December 16. Prosperity comes and goes. Hope is eternal. Always hold on to the hope.
December 17. I believe that if a person sends good vibrations into the universe, Mother Universe will send good vibrations back. And if another person sends bad vibes, Mother Universe will send what that person what they send out. She just wants to give us all what we tel her we want. What do you want?
December 18. I get my most productive work done while sitting calmly not thinking about anything in particular.
December 19. Wealth without peace means nothing.
December 20. Don't say stuff you might regret saying.
December 21. People can turn on you in a few seconds.
December 22. Spend time each day backing up your mind.
December 23. I was watching a battle scene in a movie. The captain of one of the ships commented that the only thing he didn't have to throw at his opponent was time. What if he could? Be patient and calm. Time, even if it is just seconds, is the best remedy.
December 26. i did the most important thing this past Christmas, I connected with my family.
December 28. It scares me to see people who have chosen not to have a sense of purpose.
December 30. I am grateful for the patience people have for me.
December 31. We really don't have anything other than the moment we are in.