I made a mistake. I am human. Humans make mistakes. But I learned, and I bounced back. I did it today. I should have done it long ago. But I did it today. I should have done it last week. Last month. Six months ago. But I did it today. I learned in the process. I learned over those days, weeks, months. And now I have those days, weeks, months to reflect back on, to analyze, to commit to memory what not to do next time. I have those days, weeks, months to look back on and to ask where my mind was, where my state of awareness was, how far out of reality I was, why I let myself get so far out, and how I ever expected “that” to remotely work out. And I’ll learn, as I look back, about patterns I have that I shouldn’t, patterns of thought and reasoning that do not serve my interest going forward, that are detrimental to me. It's all good. I didn’t die, didn’t get sick, didn’t have a traumatic lifestyle change, didn’t hurt anyone— I think I just annoyed them a lot. I just went through something. Quietly. And I got to say that I am sorry. And I got to say that I would change. And if no one else believes me, at least I do. Which is all that really matters.
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